If you would like to get in contact with REAP our main email is
You can also get in touch via Facebook or Twitter.
You can also find members of REAP at the Oakwood Farmers’ Market - held every third Saturday of the month from 9.00am until 12.30am at Oakwood Clock in Oakwood, Leeds.
Download Farmers' Market Dates & Location Details.
The REAP eBulletin is our free monthly e-newsletter - news about the projects and plans that REAP is developing. We’ll also e-mail you from time to time about other related things we think you might be interested in. Sign up to the REAP eBulletin at the bottom of this page.
As a member of REAP you will be helping to make our voice bigger and improve the effectiveness of our lobbying by the fact we are able to represent more members.
Our members help to ensure that we keep in touch with what the people of Roundhay want, ensuring that our services are meeting the needs of the environment and the community.
Our membership is valuable in demonstrating our transparency and accountability to our existing and potential funding bodies.
If you would like to join REAP and get involved, please complete this application form.
There is no membership fee.
Everyone involved with REAP is a volunteer. If you too would like to help out we would love to hear from you. We have a list of current opportunities for volunteering or if you have other skills you think REAP could use, please get in touch.
Please send us your details by email to REAP at the following email address info@reap-leeds.org.uk
Through events and information we want to raise awareness of what we can all do to cut our fuel / energy bills.
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REAP Plastics wants to help our community recycle and reduce our use of plastics.
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REAP Gardening wants to help our community to grow as much of our own food as possible.
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REAP Transport is working to raise awareness of the most eco-friendly and fuel efficient ways to get around.
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REAP Events are working to raise awareness of more sustainable living & reduce our carbon footprint.
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Get in touch with Roundhay Environmental Action Project.
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The REAP eBulletin is our free monthly e-newsletter.
Roundhay Environmental Action Project is a company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England No. 6415058. Registered Charity No. 1132380.
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