Roundhay Environmental Action Project - REAP

Seeking to improve sustainable tranport in Leeds and greater use of public transport. Help reduce our carbon footprint.

Roundhay Environmental Action Project - REAP

Transport in Roundhay

REAP’s aim is to reduce everyone's local carbon footprint by encouraging forms of transport that do not rely on fossil fuels e.g.

  • walking
  • cycling
  • public transport
  • use of electric cars and electric bikes.

Back in 2021 REAP submitted a response to Leeds City council’s then draft Transport Strategy.   You can read that response below: 

REAP Response to Leeds Council

The current Leeds City Council Transport Strategy can be read:

Leeds Council Transport Stategy





Walking and Cycling Maps

The previous REAP Transport Group has stopped meeting. In the past it created a Walking and Cycling Map.  Produced with the support of Leeds City Council, there are two maps of the Roundhay area:

  • one for cycling
  • one for walkers & bus users

This free map can be downloaded here:

This project was completed in 2013 and the map needs updating. Is anyone interested in helping do this?

Contact Us

Email us on if you have any ideas about how we can take forward transport-related initiatives.

You could help get the Transport Group going again!

If you would like to join REAP and get involved, please complete this application form.

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Through events and information we want to raise awareness of what we can all do to cut our fuel / energy bills.

Find out about...

REAP Energy >

Energy at REAP


REAP Plastics wants to help our community recycle and reduce our use of plastics.

Find out about...

REAP Plastics >

Plastics at REAP

Gardening at REAP


REAP Gardening wants to help our community to grow as much of our own food as possible.

Find out about...

REAP Gardening >

Transport at REAP


REAP Transport is working to raise awareness of the most eco-friendly and fuel efficient ways to get around.

Find out about...

REAP Transport >


REAP Events are working to raise awareness of more sustainable living & reduce our carbon footprint.

Find out about...

REAP Events >

Events at REAP

Contact REAP

Get in touch with Roundhay Environmental Action Project.

Find out about...

Contact REAP >

Contact REAP

Sign up to receive our eBulletin

The REAP eBulletin is our free monthly e-newsletter.

Oakwood Farmers Market

Roundhay Environmental Action Project is a company limited by guarantee.

Registered in England No. 6415058. Registered Charity No. 1132380.

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