Roundhay Environmental Action Project - REAP

Leeds Roundhay residents taking positive action to reduce food miles, recycling waste and living more sustainably

Roundhay Environmental Action Project - REAP

Gardening in Roundhay

The REAP Gardening Group wants to help our community to grow as much of our own food as possible. By doing this, we will not only reduce our food miles, recycle our green waste and reduce our carbon footprint, but also improve our health and wellbeing.

Get involved and join our growing gardening community.



What the Gardening Group does

We are involved in many things, such as

  • Establishing and looking after the Oakwood Edible Bed
  • Advice and information about garden composting
  • Working with schools to encourage gardening and growing food

Greening Up Our Area

Do You Value Your Front Garden?

Research from the RHS shows that a 1/4 of UK front gardens are paved over and a 1/3 have no plants in them at all.

This is happening despite our growing knowledge of the environmental and health benefits which communities derive from gardens.

REAP Gardening Group did some research with Leeds Urban Impact Programme, a collaboration between Leeds City Council and Leeds University, to explore local residents’ attitudes to their front gardens and their understanding of the impact on community wellbeing when these gardens disappear. This has lead to guidance being published by the Council. You can view the guidance here.


  • Helps keep our towns cooler in summer.
  • Makes our suburban streets pleasant to walk through.
  • Improves air quality
  • Helps prevent flooding, through storm water mitigation.
  • Provides a source of habitats for wildlife.
  • Helps keep you healthy.

Contact Us

We always welcome new ideas and new members. We regularly have meetings and we welcome anyone along.

If you would like to join REAP and get involved, please complete this application form.

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Through events and information we want to raise awareness of what we can all do to cut our fuel / energy bills.

Find out about...

REAP Energy >

Energy at REAP


REAP Plastics wants to help our community recycle and reduce our use of plastics.

Find out about...

REAP Plastics >

Plastics at REAP

Gardening at REAP


REAP Gardening wants to help our community to grow as much of our own food as possible.

Find out about...

REAP Gardening >

Transport at REAP


REAP Transport is working to raise awareness of the most eco-friendly and fuel efficient ways to get around.

Find out about...

REAP Transport >


REAP Events are working to raise awareness of more sustainable living & reduce our carbon footprint.

Find out about...

REAP Events >

Events at REAP

Contact REAP

Get in touch with Roundhay Environmental Action Project.

Find out about...

Contact REAP >

Contact REAP

Sign up to receive our eBulletin

The REAP eBulletin is our free monthly e-newsletter.

Oakwood Farmers Market

Roundhay Environmental Action Project is a company limited by guarantee.

Registered in England No. 6415058. Registered Charity No. 1132380.

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